There are many causes for insomnia. Sometimes they can be obvious.
Acute or short-term insomnia lasts up to a month. Chronic insomnia usually has more complex causes. It can be of a secondary type meaning that other factors serve as its cause or it may be primary, which means that insomnia exists by itself without being caused by other mental or chronic conditions or from drugs
Acute insomnia can be caused by:
- A stressful event.
- Environmental parameters such as noise, heat, or cold.
- Διαταραχή του κύκλου ύπνος / αφύπνιση εξαιτίας jetlag ή από τη φροντίδα σε νεογέννητο.
- Disruption of sleep/wake cycle because of jet lag or the care to newborn.
Chronic insomnia can be caused by:
- Asthma, rheumatoid arthritis or other chronic painful conditions and congestive heart failure.
- Mental disorders such as: depression, anxiety, chronic stress.
- Drugs for hypertension, decongestants, antidepressants.
- Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, drugs.
- Sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, or the syndrome of “restless legs”.
- Sleep/wake cycle disorder due to alternating working hours.
- Bad sleeping habits.
- Menopause.
- Urinary incontinence.
Medications that can cause insomnia:
- Decongestants (for the common cold).
- Antihypertensives.
- Hormones (thyroid and contraceptives).
- Antiasthmatic drugs (inhaled and theophylline).