In General
Do you encounter problems in your bedroom? Do you face sexual dysfunction? The questions may be difficult to answer. Everybody might have confronted such kind of issues-in his sexual desire, his erection, his/her orgasm, his/her final satisfaction. This can be natural. The issue can be transformed into a problematic state and sexual disorder on the basis of how long it lasts, how much distress you feel experiencing it, how it affects your relationships with your partner.
The sexual act involves 4 stages:
- Excitement
- Plateau
- Orgasm
- Resolution)
Four out of 10 females and 3 out of 10 males encounter sexual problems. This could be the peak of the iceberg given that many people refuse to speak about their problem and many more deny visiting a specialist. The more common worries centre on diminishing interest for sex, difficulties with the orgasm, insufficient lubrication of the vagina.